In case you missed hearing me shout it from the rooftops, consider yourself officially informed. I am a kindergarten teacher. Whew, that feels good to say!
Our hallway is jungle themed and I wanted to have a chicka chicka boom boom room so it worked out perfectly!

That's all my mammas handiwork, isn't it great?! And before anyone *cough cough Alllen cough* starts to fret over me posting a picture with childrens' names on it I blurred them all out in photoshop, no worries!
Now before we go any further, you must know that this school is a little bit older. And older schools tend to have a lot of character... well this "character" and his family moved into my room. I declared that one of us had to go. It was him or me, the room wasn't big enough for the both of us. Thankfully he decided to go peacefully and of his own accord. I swept his famiy out the door alongside him. Gross.

My shoe is there as a reference to his enormous stature. On Friday our good friends Ashley and Jarrett came up with mom and Jaden and helped us decorate the classroom and we were up there again the majority of the day on Saturday and by Sunday I was getting worn out and Ashley, Jarrett, Daniel and Elaine came up and helped us finish up. We had so much fun working up there together and who else can claim that their preacher comes and helps them cut the laminate for their classroom? Yeah, I love our church!
The boys also left me some lesson planning suggestions... we'll see about that.
My classroom has a porch! This is the outdor area attatched to the room where the students can play outside. I have sidewalk chalk, jump ropes, and bubbles to use out here.

This is the map that I painted in college for my "unit" I will eventually paint a quote at the top and use it to track a mail project we will be doing this Christmas.