I have been working on classroom things just about every night and have done a ton of stuff, maybe I will post about it over Christmas break when things *possibly* calm down a bit.
Our school is having a door decorating competition, the winner gets to wear jeans everyday for a month!!! Woo! I decided to enter, and am very proud of my door, but some of the other teachers have gone just absolutely insane! I will try to take pictures of some of their rooms later, but I thought I would share mine tonight. The doors will all be judged tomorrow, lets hope for some free jeans days! Oh, the simple things!
In other news I have officially declared myself addicted to pinterest. If you haven't had the pleasure of having your life consumed by this, it is an interactive way to share and swap ideas and interests... it sounds less exciting than it actually is. Anyhow, I have made myself a to do list of classroom ideas to do over the break, so hopefully I will have lots to show for myself soon. I love feeling accomplished!