Saturday night the temperature dropped so drastically that it made our tires go flat, we found this out on our way to church Sunday morning. It wasn't as awful as it sounds, but my car has really sensitive pressure sensors and it wouldn't let us drive until we put more air in so Allen got out in his church clothes with an air compressor to fix the problem (our new neighbors probably think we're nuts!)
I went on a job interview last week , it wasn't anything to get super excited about, it was just a substitute position for two months, but anything is something so I was really looking forward to it. I got to the school and almost didn't even get out of the car! There were bars on every door and window, signs that looked like this:
at an elementary school! I went up to the main door and pushed a button to get scanned in, the surveilance camera moved up and down to "search" me, I went inside and had to get my license scanned into the computer system to make sure I didn't have a record and get a photo I.D. printed out for my INTERVIEW! I couldn't believe how crazy the security was! I met with the principal and our interview wen well, but I just don't think it was a good fit. He asked what type of relationship I would have with the students and I replied "A relationship of mutual respect, I will treat every student in my classroom with respect, but in return I will expect the same thing" and he said "there are some tough kids around here, trust me, you won't be respecting all of them" Overall I just don't think it would have worked out regardless, plus it was well over an hour away so I'm not too terribly heartbroken it didn't work out.
I know this is a long shot but ever since I found out we were moving to the Memphis area I have been applying at St. Jude's to work in there child development/education program. They have such an incredible program that openings are very, very hard to get and they can afford to be very picky and the requirements are very difficult. Each time I have applied I have gotten a very poilite rejection letter within a week, but a few weeks ago I applied again for a different position and I have not received a rejection letter yet (yay!) so I might still be in the running! So keep me in your thoughts and prayers because this would be the opprotunity of a lifetime!
In other news Allen and I are super excited because his family is coming to stay with us for Christmas and they will be here a week from tomorrow! I have a lot of cleaning to do! Thankfully *almost* everything is unpacked now and we are feeling nice and settled in! This is my FAVORITE time of the year to decorate so the house is pretty well "decked out" for the holidays, and it feels so nice.
We are still looking for a good church in the area, we have been visiting two churches and both are very friendly. A couple from one of the churches dropped by our house last night to visit with us, we probably need to decide pretty soon, but it has turned out to be a tough decision for the two of us.
In other news, while I am waiting on a teaching job to come along I've decided to try a few side jobs. I am offering tutoring to children in our neighborhood after school and (the most exciting part) I am going to try and do some graphic design work on the side! I have always loved doing it as a hobby, and I whip things up as favors for friends but I had never considered doing it to supplement our income before, so this is a new adventure for us. If you know of anyone needing anything (birth announcements, party invitations, business cards, promotional materials etc.) feel free to send them to me. I am opening an online shop and will post the link as soon as it is up and running, but in the meantime here is a way to check it out if you are interested: Jamie.Henry.Designs
or there should be a link over to the right of the page --->
I know I promised house pictures, and even though everything isn't finished yet (we still have a few things to hang on the walls and a few things are out of place) here is where we are:
This is our living room , I am standing in the entryway hallway and the door you can see is the door to the patio.

Happy Holidays!
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