Hola Family!
This is going to be a short little update, but I just wanted to let you know what was going on with us.
My sister came to stay the weekend with us and it has been a ton of fun! We are going to a Memorial day cookout with some friends from church tomorrow and we are really looking forward to it!
On a more important note, I have a really close friend who is going through a really hard time. I mentioned it before, but my friend Amanda delivered her baby girl at 25 weeks. She was 1lb. 5oz and 15 weeks early. This is her website if you would like to stay updated. She could really use all the prayers she can get right now, so feel free to send some in her direction!
(For my family, this is my friend Amanda from ElDorado who I spent a few weeks with a few of the summers after we moved to Florida. She went to Ruston with our family for the peach festival and we had countless sleepovers in high school, we called each other sisters... just to clarify who she is)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Four Years
Cue the "aww" moment...

Thursday was mine and Allen's four year anniversary.
Wow, four years sounds like such a long time. In some ways it feels like we've been together a lot longer than that...but in other ways the time has just flown by. I got him to agree to four more years of marriage and I figure if I am sneaky and just add on each year (ex. next year I will get him to agree to five more years) I will eventually have him locked in forever! muahaha.
In other news my pre-k class had their graduation last night and it was quite the event. There were over 100 people there and I had to speak! I do not really like talking to groups of people over the age of ten so I was extremely nervous but it went really well and my kids did a really great job. On a side note the child in my class who was physically abusive towards the other children and myself graduated, so I might have a more tranquil summer. My kids lavished me with gifts for graduation. I was given a beautiful boquet, a bromeliad (don't worry FL family, we will keep it indoors, away from mosquitos!) bubble bath, a candle, and ferrero rondnior chocolates.

I have a confession to make. Allen and I have been trying to make healthier choices and have really been working hard towards a better lifestyle ( you might not have guessed that by my strawberry cake post a few days back) but along with these changes has come a new mindset...if you are going to eat something unhealthy you might as well make it something good. Wow. That looks horrible in print. What I mean is instead of eating a candy bar or junk food, pick something you will truly enjoy and savor it and then be done with it. For example, that delicious strawberry cake I whipped up (courtesy of an incredible Paula Deen recipe) Allen and I each enjoyed a nice lovely portion and then I wrapped it up and sent it to work for Allen to share with his office. Hence the new mindset in action. I met my downfall friday night after graduation. A Ferrero Rondnior. I believe these are made of pure temptation. I am not a big fan of Ferrero Rochers, and as a general rule I can pass up most candy with no trouble. However, these are a different story. Oh. My. Word. they are delicious. You should try one, or maybe you shouldn't... I don't know if it is right to suggest such a horribly addicting thing to an innocent blog reader. I apologize.
On a healthier note, these are my favorite healthy treat as of late. Real fruit strips. They are all natural and they come in about 8 flavors. They are so tasty and you can feel good about eating them. I keep them in my purse and in the glove compartment of my car just in case I need a snack during the day. I jut thought since I went on and on about an unhealthy indulgence I might as well redeem myself so you don't think Allen and I just sit around popping chocolate all day long haha.

On a drastic note I donated a foot of my hair to Locks of Love. I went in to do it and the lady said my hair would still be to my shoulder. Well she and I have different opinions on where my shoulders are, but I am still glad I did it. This is me holding the four ponytails that she cut off. (Ignore the shocked "Oh my word I am going to be BALD!" expression on my face. I hadn't gotten to see my hair yet at this point and my overactive imagination had me picturing myself completely sheared.)
This is the next day after I had come to terms with my new do.
If you ever want to donate your hair it's a really neat experience. Make sure your salon is certified, if not just request to take your hair home and submit it yourself.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday was mine and Allen's four year anniversary.
Wow, four years sounds like such a long time. In some ways it feels like we've been together a lot longer than that...but in other ways the time has just flown by. I got him to agree to four more years of marriage and I figure if I am sneaky and just add on each year (ex. next year I will get him to agree to five more years) I will eventually have him locked in forever! muahaha.
In other news my pre-k class had their graduation last night and it was quite the event. There were over 100 people there and I had to speak! I do not really like talking to groups of people over the age of ten so I was extremely nervous but it went really well and my kids did a really great job. On a side note the child in my class who was physically abusive towards the other children and myself graduated, so I might have a more tranquil summer. My kids lavished me with gifts for graduation. I was given a beautiful boquet, a bromeliad (don't worry FL family, we will keep it indoors, away from mosquitos!) bubble bath, a candle, and ferrero rondnior chocolates.

On a drastic note I donated a foot of my hair to Locks of Love. I went in to do it and the lady said my hair would still be to my shoulder. Well she and I have different opinions on where my shoulders are, but I am still glad I did it. This is me holding the four ponytails that she cut off. (Ignore the shocked "Oh my word I am going to be BALD!" expression on my face. I hadn't gotten to see my hair yet at this point and my overactive imagination had me picturing myself completely sheared.)
This is the next day after I had come to terms with my new do.

If you ever want to donate your hair it's a really neat experience. Make sure your salon is certified, if not just request to take your hair home and submit it yourself.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!
Allen and I sure love our mammas. As soon as church was over this morning (more on that later) We each called to wish our moms a happy holiday and when we talked to our Florida mom she was in the middle of icing a cake...which began our cake craving. If you know Allen very well you know that he "doesn't like that kind" and never ever ever wants cake, but I started craving cake, specifically strawberry cake, I kept talking about it all morning long and by the middle of the afternoon we both wanted strawberry cake so badly that we ran to the store and bought the ingredients. Now, if you know me very well you know that while I do enjoy cooking I did not come from an "everything from scratch" family. My mom is an amazing cook but I have eaten my fair share of meals that originated from a box. Sorry to rat you out mom. But Allen has been culinarily spoiled his whole life by an amazing cook who preforms kitchen miracles and as Allen has told me a billion times "oh, we don't eat things from boxes at my house" so when I picked up the strawberry cake mix box he would have none of it. Cue that culinary mastermind of all things sinfully delicious, Paula Deen. I found her strawberry cake recipe and attempted it this afternoon and OH MY WORD it was amazing. Even Allen was licking the frosting off of the spoon. It was a lot of fun and I was so proud that I made something on a whim that looked/tasted that fancy! I'm going to whip this up again for our church potluck next Sunday... although after eating it they might just force us to place membership!
Friday night Allen and I went on a date to a drive in. I didn't even know they still existed, but they do and it was SO much fun! It is a double feature so there are two back to back movies for less than the price of one regular movie AND you get to bring your own concessions!!! (can you tell we are cheap?)

I planted strawberries on our patio and they have finally started to produce fruit... unfortunately the neighborhood children/cats/various pests have been enjoying the berries before I can get to them to pick them. I found one ripe berry this morning and plucked it on our way to church... sadly it was the tiniest most pitiful little berry I have ever seen.
We did some spring cleaning this weekend and re-covered our couch and loveseat. This is what our living room is looking like these days.

I mentioned a few weeks *cough* months ago that I was working on our patio while Allen was away. Well I forgot to post pictures of the progress so here they are! Just scroll up to see how horrendous it was before I got started. It is so much more usable now!
My morning glories! These are my favorite plants to grow. They aren't ready to bloom yet but I will post pictures when they do. They are so beautiful. ( They are the plants climbing up the trellis)

This is my summer squash plant. I already have a few baby squash!
I mentioned earlier that everyone but the two of us has been enjoying our strawberries? Well here is the proof. Something nibbles half of the berry and then leaves the rest there to mock me.
These are the plants we are growing. The tall flat ones are Gladeolous, the dark green leafy one is broccoli, the light green one in the middle are tomatoes and the little ones to the right are watermelon!
And here it is the beautiful and delicious strawberry cake courtesy of Paula Deen ( I love that lady!)

Well that is pretty much it for the exciting times in our lives right now. We are planning a trip to visit our Florida family this summer, Allen gets to start working from home three days a week this week so that will be really nice for him. My job is still quite terrible at times but I'm trying to make the best of it and we are really enjoying the church that we have been visiting. We are starting to feel like we are a part of it which is so nice! Things are really good here.
I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend and have a blessed week!
Allen and I sure love our mammas. As soon as church was over this morning (more on that later) We each called to wish our moms a happy holiday and when we talked to our Florida mom she was in the middle of icing a cake...which began our cake craving. If you know Allen very well you know that he "doesn't like that kind" and never ever ever wants cake, but I started craving cake, specifically strawberry cake, I kept talking about it all morning long and by the middle of the afternoon we both wanted strawberry cake so badly that we ran to the store and bought the ingredients. Now, if you know me very well you know that while I do enjoy cooking I did not come from an "everything from scratch" family. My mom is an amazing cook but I have eaten my fair share of meals that originated from a box. Sorry to rat you out mom. But Allen has been culinarily spoiled his whole life by an amazing cook who preforms kitchen miracles and as Allen has told me a billion times "oh, we don't eat things from boxes at my house" so when I picked up the strawberry cake mix box he would have none of it. Cue that culinary mastermind of all things sinfully delicious, Paula Deen. I found her strawberry cake recipe and attempted it this afternoon and OH MY WORD it was amazing. Even Allen was licking the frosting off of the spoon. It was a lot of fun and I was so proud that I made something on a whim that looked/tasted that fancy! I'm going to whip this up again for our church potluck next Sunday... although after eating it they might just force us to place membership!
Friday night Allen and I went on a date to a drive in. I didn't even know they still existed, but they do and it was SO much fun! It is a double feature so there are two back to back movies for less than the price of one regular movie AND you get to bring your own concessions!!! (can you tell we are cheap?)
I planted strawberries on our patio and they have finally started to produce fruit... unfortunately the neighborhood children/cats/various pests have been enjoying the berries before I can get to them to pick them. I found one ripe berry this morning and plucked it on our way to church... sadly it was the tiniest most pitiful little berry I have ever seen.

I mentioned a few weeks *cough* months ago that I was working on our patio while Allen was away. Well I forgot to post pictures of the progress so here they are! Just scroll up to see how horrendous it was before I got started. It is so much more usable now!
My morning glories! These are my favorite plants to grow. They aren't ready to bloom yet but I will post pictures when they do. They are so beautiful. ( They are the plants climbing up the trellis)

This is my summer squash plant. I already have a few baby squash!
Well that is pretty much it for the exciting times in our lives right now. We are planning a trip to visit our Florida family this summer, Allen gets to start working from home three days a week this week so that will be really nice for him. My job is still quite terrible at times but I'm trying to make the best of it and we are really enjoying the church that we have been visiting. We are starting to feel like we are a part of it which is so nice! Things are really good here.
I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend and have a blessed week!
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