Thursday was mine and Allen's four year anniversary.
Wow, four years sounds like such a long time. In some ways it feels like we've been together a lot longer than that...but in other ways the time has just flown by. I got him to agree to four more years of marriage and I figure if I am sneaky and just add on each year (ex. next year I will get him to agree to five more years) I will eventually have him locked in forever! muahaha.
In other news my pre-k class had their graduation last night and it was quite the event. There were over 100 people there and I had to speak! I do not really like talking to groups of people over the age of ten so I was extremely nervous but it went really well and my kids did a really great job. On a side note the child in my class who was physically abusive towards the other children and myself graduated, so I might have a more tranquil summer. My kids lavished me with gifts for graduation. I was given a beautiful boquet, a bromeliad (don't worry FL family, we will keep it indoors, away from mosquitos!) bubble bath, a candle, and ferrero rondnior chocolates.

On a drastic note I donated a foot of my hair to Locks of Love. I went in to do it and the lady said my hair would still be to my shoulder. Well she and I have different opinions on where my shoulders are, but I am still glad I did it. This is me holding the four ponytails that she cut off. (Ignore the shocked "Oh my word I am going to be BALD!" expression on my face. I hadn't gotten to see my hair yet at this point and my overactive imagination had me picturing myself completely sheared.)
This is the next day after I had come to terms with my new do.

If you ever want to donate your hair it's a really neat experience. Make sure your salon is certified, if not just request to take your hair home and submit it yourself.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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